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I lived in Las Vegas in 2008. I call Nevada my home. I know what it means to work hard, and no matter what, getting a head is further away. It was not always this way, but over 30 years, the landscape changed. Unfortunately, I see the same patterns forming in Las Vegas. We cannot allow this to happen. I am optimistic, if we become active now, we can thwart any further impending declines to our quality of life.

As a real-life working educator, I am closely connected to the communities I serve. True representation, for the people by the people. Developing and maintaining a thriving working middle class in Las Vegas, is essential, as a middle class has always been the fabric of Las Vegas.

 The wealth gap is becoming wider and wider. We need a real solution to affordable safe housing for homeless veterans and homeless civilian citizens, trade skills for our youth, fair business protections for small businesses, and fairness in hiring practices for citizens with arrest records.

We need our representatives to be real people, living normal working daily lives, and someone in touch with the community. I am not a career politician tied to party politics and agendas. I can truly work for the people of Nevada.

I am a History Teacher and community organizer, that has done some incredible work in California. Legislatively, I have worked on writing language for many bills now in the California Legislature. It is with the experience as a community organizer working with the legislature, I realized, my service to constituents would be most effective, if I am actually a legislator.

My purpose is to bring fairness and opportunity to Nevada American citizens. As an Independent, I will work with both parties to move us forward. Solutions are the order of the day! I will work for us!

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